Saturday, October 27, 2007

Have you ever had Zup's venison sticks?

Partial whitetail deer preseason to do list:

Sharpen knife. (will it split a hen hackle fiber? How about in the air after you drop it?)
Buy license. (MN regular firearm zone one area 127 with antlerless bonus tag)
Check plat book. (It was county land the last time I checked, but best act responsibly)
Make sure T-mos is cool with me using his model 94. (T-mos is always cool, but best act responsibly)
If so, make targets for sighting it. (For a clean shot. At a deer.)
Get mega road trip style plastic bottle. (Whitetails disdain human urine as much as humans do. Well, real humans anyway)
Scope the aspen cutover and set blind. (At the risk of it getting stolen, this is to make sure I don't look up at daybreak and see orange in a tree stand anywhere. Also to naturalize the thing; Blind meet popple, popple meet blind)
Load a book onto the ipod (I watched a cow moose and her calf have dinner and bed down for the night from my tree stand three years ago. Then the sun set. Five hours turned into fifteen minutes, to my suprise.
I suck at sitting still. I'll plug in when the cutover goes quiet. The DA tells me the book she wants me to hear is a scary one, so I should be able to listen comfortably with a high-powered rifle in my lap and not get frightened, out there in the woods alone)
Dig the whole thing. (Only two weeks out of fifty-two for gun season. Six days if you dirt collar like me.)