Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Another opener

Regular firearms deer season this time.

A sunrise, a sunset, and another sunrise later, I had a deer walk behind me and a forked buck tooling along with a six pointer pass right in front of me. They were in a hurry. For fun, I gave an estrus bleat (horny doe in a can) twice and it stopped the six-point long enough to flick an ear, hop the brush just behind the pine in the photo, and disappear downhill. I have no time for nicking running deer in heavy brush. Even less time for dragging it the mile it ran afterwards. Fack that.

Scorewise I'm ahead. Three deer through as opposed to none. No heavy weather. All the nifty shit that happens when your pieholer is shut and your ears and eyes aren't (super-duper especially when watching those addictive nighttime soaps like gheys anatomy),
and leaving the bullet riddled shore for some cabin hunting solitude.

The red carpet.
You walk on it. You clean it.


t-mos said...

dude, is the maid of honor in the cabin? that thing is super-duper badass.

did you spend the night in the blind? this would also be badass, but potentially overkill, it'd probably be pretty damn cold in there.

ohhhhh, one more thing, my end of aforementioned venny stick merger deal is mostly complete...one more batch to throw on the smoker tonight. i will buy vacuum sealer bags and send some this week. if said venny sticks do not materialize, just make sure you come out and take your seat to fulfill the deal, as also aforementioned.

prolly shoulda just wrote an email...peace, t

K said...

My piss bottle isn't an overnighter. Plus no beer. That'd stink 'er up too much.

t-mos said...

with all the dudes up there that shoot deer about 3 hours after drinking the last of a case of Schmidt's, i would think the beer is an attractant. but i guess dumb drunk luck is more likely...with 98% of the hunters filling the beer end of above scenario, its bound to happen to some of them.

good luck on the upcoming weekend.